Your Happy Dog Coach


I knew I’d love working with dogs, but I didn’t realize how much I’d enjoy working with their humans!

Having clients who truly want to learn how to communicate with their dogs so that everyone can live happy lives together, makes this work so incredibly rewarding. So much so, that when our sessions are over, I find myself missing spending time together.

Thankfully, I’ve had some pretty great clients willing to give me much needed feedback. (Positive reinforcement works on me, too!)

Here’s what my human clients are saying so far:

"10/10! You were professional but also showing your love of animals was great, together with your enthusiasm. Every question or problem we encountered, you had a solution for, even if we just dropped the problem on you while you were here. We enjoyed watching you work with our pup, she responded so well to your methods. Your excellent personality made it easy for her, and us, to learn in a very enjoyable way."
Fear Free Certified Professional Trainer Your Happy Dog Coach client Testimony Yarmouth Nova Scotia Photo by Erik Mclean:
"By the way. Where they are working on the bridge, one of Freddie's big attractions is bits and pieces of wood and there is a lot he is walking right by all of it. A month ago, that was unheard of!"
Your Happy Dog Coach Freddie Mercury Dog Trainer Yarmouth NS scavenging pup
Joy S.G
Freddie Mercury
"D___y is doing great.... We all really benefited from your sessions. Having the “manual” you prepared is wonderful. It makes it so much easier to just refer to section when additional training on a behaviour is required. I hope your business is doing well. You deserve to do well. Your understanding of dogs is incredible. Feel free to drop by anytime you are in the area."
Fear Free Certified Professional Trainer Your Happy Dog Coach client Testimony Yarmouth Nova Scotia Photo by Erik Mclean:
"I've noticed the last couple days there is slack on the leash more often than not when we are walking. This morning, walking over to the other neighbours, there was something in road he stopped and looked, then walked away and didn't bother. On way back there was someone going by on bicycle, and he didn't get excited as he usually does when I said leave it. Didn't have treats, but I gave him some love 💕. So in short we have all learned something from you."
Your Happy Dog Coach Freddie Mercury Dog Trainer Yarmouth NS scavenging pup
Joy S.G
Freddie Mercury
"Thank you Lori Lee, I'm happy we found you 🙂 "
Your Happy Dog Coach
Janice H

Sometimes, when you’re really lucky, your path will cross another trainer who becomes a treasured, supportive colleague.

I was so pleasantly surprised and honored to find this Facebook review from one of my favorite colleagues.

It’s worth noting that the successes of these dogs has been highly affected by the level of commitment their humans have in helping their dogs learn, and their willingness to implement the training plan provided to them.
I have been so fortunate to have had amazing clients who are truly invested in the success of their dogs by putting the work and effort needed for them to be successful.

Only a few clients have shared feedback as life gets busy, but my favorite part: the dogs and their humans are much happier than they were before they contacted me. That makes my heart happy!

If you'd like to work with me, our initial consultation and intake is free!

Reach out via my contact form or by choosing a package.

I look forward to meeting you and your dog(s)!